
NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Information, Advice and Guidance

Fully Funded at no cost to yourself and delivered by Learning Curve

Offering clear and accurate information, advice or guidance and knowing what can be shared legally and professionally can greatly improve outcomes for a business. There are some fundamental rules for successful information sharing and ensuring staff are aware of these is key.


?Explore communication techniques
?Study how values, attitudes and beliefs can affect interactions
?Develop interaction and interpersonal skills
?Learn how information, advice or guidance can be explored
?Learn how group interaction can be utilised
?Manage information, including storage and retrieval
?Learn how to comply with the law

Call the team ON 01429 874530 to enrol or attend our #open enrolment session on the 14th August 2019, 5:30pm and Hartlepool Innovation Centre, Hub2, TS25 5TG.

#DistanceLearning #FullyFunded #Hartlepool #Accredited #NCFE#LearningCurve #Orangebox

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