
Warehousing Academy Gets Unemployed Back into Work

After the recent success of our Warehousing Course, we are over the moon to be back in Darlington delivering another Warehouse Course with our very successful model in partnership with Middlesbrough College.

If you know of any company looking to recruit in warehousing in the Tees Valley please get in touch. We could save you in recruitment fees by offering candidates.

Using #ESF funding we upskill learners in the skills needed in this sector inc. First Aid, Health and Safety and Manual Handling. All that’s left to do is interview the learners for the positions you have available.

For more information please contact:

☎️ 01429 874530
? info@orangeboxtraining

#MboroCollege #ESF #Orangebox #Warehousing #NEEChamber#Darlington #Opportunity

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