3hour Awareness
£350 per cohort (up to 15 learners)
An estimated 6.6 million working days were lost due to WRMSDs, an average of 14 days lost for each case. WRMSDs represent 24% of all days lost due to work-related ill health in Great Britain in 2017/18. Within the total number of 6.6 million days lost due to WRMSDs, Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULDs) account for around 2.6m of days lost, with back disorders around 2.2m of days lost and Work-Related Lower Limb disorders (WRLLDs) 1.7m days lost.
Manual Handling, lifting and carrying and keyboard work were some of the prime causative factors in the development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders particularly the development of back pain.
Get in touch with Orangebox and we will send one of our highly experienced trainers.
01429 874530