We’re delighted with the government’s proposal to include first aid in the school curriculum!
From 2020 onwards, all state-funded schools in England will be required to teach first aid as part of health education. This will include basic first aid for primary school children, for example dealing with common injuries, such as head injuries. Young people in secondary schools will be taught further first aid. For example, how to administer CPR and the purpose of defibrillators.
We welcome these proposals, which follow many years of campaigning to make first aid a priority in the classroom.
Recently, the Department for Education ran a ‘call for evidence’ on PSHE (personal, social, health, and economic) education. As part of this campaigners submitted a report to the Department for Education asking for first aid to be made a mandatory part of statutory PSHE.
Lives will be saved, and young people will benefit from developing skills that will build their character and strengthen community resilience. We look forward to working with schools in Hartlepool and the North East to ensure that young people’s health takes its important place on the curriculum.
If your school would like to discuss how Orangebox Training Solutions Limited can help, please give the team a ring on:
☎️01429 874530