Calling all schools! As the new academic year approaches, don’t worry we have all your training needs under one roof and will be happy to help. We have delivered training to private childcare, nursery, and primary schools sector for many years allowing us to offer a fantastic package of training that we can offer to yourselves and your staff.
Whether it’s First Aid training? then we have that covered with dates for First Aid at Work 11th-13th September or Paediatric first aid 20th-21st September. Alternatively, you can book at whole school course to your chosen date – just call the office on 01429 874530 or email
If budgets are tight then we have 36 Fully Funded Level2 courses such as Safeguarding & Prevent, Mental Health in Children, Understanding Autism, Children & Young People and Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties etc all funded by the Adult Education Budget and free!
We can also offer 3 hour awareness sessions that cut down the cost of accredited courses in Basic Life Support, Manual Handling, Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity. These sessions can be carried out like all our courses evening, twilight, weekends etc we are very accommodating and flexible to fit in with your school hours.
Please see below our full offer:
Paediatric First Aid (level3) – x2 days
Basic Life Support – 3hr awareness
First Aid at Work (level3) – x3 days
First Aid at Work Refresher (level3) – x2 days
Emergency First Aid – x1 day
Safeguarding and Prevent (in-house or Level 2 distant learning) x1 day
Safeguarding and Prevent – 3hr awareness
Fire Safety/Marshall (level2) – x1 day
Fire Safety – 3hr awareness
Food Hygiene (level2) x1 day
Health and Safety (level2) x1 day
Manual Handling (level2) x1 day
Safe Handling of Medication – x1 day
TeamTeach – x1 day
Effective Communication for teachers/ta’s – x1 day
Forest School Introduction (level 1) x3 days
Forest School Assistant (level 2) x6 days
Forest School Leader (level3) x15 days
Education and Training (level3) – x5 days
Assessors Award (level3) – x5 days
Observe, shoot and edit on your iPad – x0.5 days
Get creative with your iPad – x0.5 days
Using MS Word to Document Learning – x0.5 days
36 Fully Funded Level 2 Distant Learning courses
We would love to have a chat with you to discuss any of your training needs, we are passionate to only deliver memorable and enjoyable training.
☎️01429 874530