5️⃣⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ As of today the 3rd of August 2020, we have a whopping 102 learners in classrooms today.
All are seated and adhering to COVID-19 guidelines with PPE and keeping everyone safe.
We have our #extremely popular Pre-Employment Training Routeway running in numerous locations helping unemployed people back into work and into the #amazing new #Amazon Fulfillment Centre in Durham.
If you don’t believe me then hear is the breakdown.
? Amazon Durham Week 1 – 23
? Amazon Bowburn Week 1 – 20
? Amazon Castle Eden Week 1 – 13
? Amazon Washington Week 1 – 15
? Amazon Bowburn week2 – 23
? First Aid at Work Requal – 8
Total 1️⃣0️⃣2️⃣ learners
All Amazon learners will be upskilled in Warehousing and Storage Level2, Lean Orangisation Level2, and Health & Safety Level1 plus an interview direct with Amazon.
? Nobody does it better than ? Orangebox Training Solutions Limited
If you would like the opportunity to work for a global giant like Amazon then attend one of our future Pre-Employment Routeways by contacting:
☎️ 01429 874530
? recruitment@orangeboxtraining.com